Sunday 23 July 2017

Morning habits that cause weight gain

Do you find it difficult to lose weight? Perhaps this may be your morning routine.Therefore, learn what six-morning habits can make sure you arrive instead of falling, and thus hamper reaching your goals. 

Your No.1 Lose Weight Choice
It's no secret at all that keeping a balanced diet and doing regular exercise are the most effective ways to deal with obesity.
Nevertheless, there are also people who really keep up with all the rules, but never achieve the results they strive for. Over time, this causes them to get discouraged because they feel like all their trouble has been for nothing.
However, it is not only important to include good habits in your routine, but also to leave a few negative habits out of your routine. These can also be habits that do not seem at all harmful at all, but for some reason, you can make sure that you can not get rid of those necessary kittens.
Although not immediately noticeable, these habits hinder your normal metabolism. In addition, they ensure that your body does not consume optimal energy during the day.
Therefore, it is essential to inform yourself of these surprisingly bad habits and to do everything to prevent them from becoming part of your daily lifestyle. We know that a lot of people have no idea what habits we have and therefore we decided to discuss them in detail with this article.

Many people already know that sleeping less than seven hours a night can cause some weight gain. What many do not know, however, is that too much sleep on the other hand is also not good at all.
In 2014, a study was conducted that showed that people who sleep more than ten hours apart regularly have an increased BMI. This study also showed that too much sleep can affect cortisol levels and may increase this level. Cortisol is a hormone that not only causes stress but can also cause someone to eat more.
Experts, therefore, recommend sleeping at night between seven and eight hours to keep your sleep quality optimal. 

2. Do not catch enough sunlight

Perhaps you think about catching sunlight can now affect your weight, but there are several indications that sunlight can cause our metabolism to start.
Research indicates that the UV rays are healthy in the morning. These UV rays provide the body with energy and wake up the metabolism. Soaking in the sun between the twenty and thirty minutes is enough to bring positive effects on your BMI. 

3. Too little food at breakfast

One of the habits that can have the greatest impact on your weight is to eat a low-nutritious breakfast.
Breakfast is the main meal of the day. While some choose to ignore this issue simply, it is essential to provide your body with the energy it needs to keep the rest of the day in the morning.
Your breakfast should therefore contain between 500 and 600 calories, divided between the following nutrients:
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Healthy fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals


4. Wait too long for breakfast

Waiting too long before eating breakfast can also cause weight gain.
Your body needs energy to activate its body functions. Although your body may still be on a number of reserves during the night, they will end up at the end of the night.
In addition, your stomach is completely empty, which causes your body to produce more sour gastric juices. And this may cause inflammation and symptoms of gastritis.
Therefore, it is wise to eat something within an hour after you get up. If possible, you can drink a healthy drink, such as a cup of tea or a little lukewarm water with lemon juice. 

Your No.1 Lose Weight Choice

6. You often handle processed foods
A snack by the end of the morning is a great way to counter that hunger sensation that pops up when your body has burned the calories it has received in your breakfast. The problem is, however, that many people choose commercial processed products in this case.
Although these products are often very tasty, they also contain a lot of calories and other harmful substances. Because of this, they do not really resist your hunger feeling, but hide them only, which ultimately makes you even more tired.After eating these kinds of snacks, you may be full of minutes. Thanks to the sugar and the fat they contain, you will soon get hungry again.
Therefore, it is wise to choose for a few healthier alternatives, such as:
  • A handful of notes
  • A little fruit
  • A cup of tea or a smoothie
  • A bowl of plain yogurt


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