Sunday 23 July 2017

600 calories burn a day with these 6 tips

600 calories burn a day with these 6 tips 

Many people want to lose weight and are aware that this requires a lot of discipline and dedication, especially when it comes to physical exercise and the diet.

There are plenty of ways to lose weight daily without starving yourself or having to adhere to a strict waste plan that can have serious consequences for your health. 

The key to success is in this case that you understand that you need to lower your calorie intake and increase your amount of exercise so that you burn 600 calories a day.

Why should you try to burn 600 calories a day?

Burning 600 calories a day is an easy-to-achieve goal that requires minimal effort. You can achieve this goal in multiple ways, even while doing your daily activities at work or at home.  

To make those 600 calories disappear, you can do different exercises and follow some of the recommendations below, which will help you make your body burn calories faster. By burning at least 3500 calories a week, you will lose at least half a kilo without having a strict diet. In order to achieve this goal, you will, of course, have to adopt a healthier lifestyle and start moving.

How can you burn 600 calories a day?

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As we have mentioned before, it is not at all difficult as it seems to burn 600 calories a day. You can burn calories with your usual daily activities or by doing a few simple exercises, which you may also enjoy.

Steps to burn those 600 calories

  • Step 1: First, you burn more calories by not sitting down. So if you are busy with a simple business such as phone call, go ahead. Fold your clothes up. This may seem very unpleasant, but it is so that this can greatly contribute to burning calories.
  • Step 2: To burn calories, you need a daily training schedule. However, to get better results you will need to do heavier exercises and may need to extend your daily training session. If you normally example thirty minutes a day hike, you can go running now better thirty minutes a day. Instead of 100 calories, you will burn 200 calories. You can also change the exercises you do, keeping a combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training.
  • Step 3: Even during the day you can burn a lot of calories without focusing on doing a particular exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, for example. And try to do a few knee bends during the tooth brushing. You can even do some exercises while watching your favorite program.
  • Step 4: In addition to doing cardio, you can also do some exercises using your weight. Weight training requires much more of your body. Strength training will help shape your body and make you burn more calories.
  • Step 5: Finally, it's a good idea to start practicing a sport. This will definitely help you burn 600 calories a day. For example, you can play tennis, play football, swim or take another sport that you like.

Traditional exercises to burn fat


Doing the exercises below is the best way to burn 600 or more calories each day. It's absolutely not necessary to join the gym to achieve your goal - by simply performing these exercises at home, you'll see results within a few weeks to see what you're looking for.

  • By jogging on a treadmill you burn up to 675 calories.
  • With an hour running on a treadmill you can even burn 986 calories.
  • An hour of jumping jumps causes you to burn up to 730 calories.
  • Twenty minutes of sit-ups will burn up to 200 calories.
  • Even walking for an hour can burn up to 200 calories.
  • With thirty minutes cycling, you burn more than 200 calories. 


Fulfilling the above tips to burn additional calories alone is not enough. You will also have to keep a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, and water. Try to get fewer calories . Most diets exceed the daily recommended calorie intake.


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