Sunday 23 July 2017

8 great foods to burn excess belly fat

8 great foods to burn excess belly fat

Excessive belly fat is not just a beauty problem. It also damages health. With a number of foods you can stimulate fat burning.

Belly fat is around a number of important organs in the stomach. If you have too much fat around the stomach, this can lead to serious conditions. Examples of this include high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The abdominal fat in itself does not really pose a risk. However, its effects in the longer term, because even after a small increase in belly fat, diseases may develop over time. This also affects the quality of life.

But there is good news! To deal with excessive belly fat, there are a lot of mediums. Take care especially for a good diet and regular exercise. Change your eating habits. This will stimulate your metabolism. At the same time, the body fat is transformed into energy.

Certain foods have a positive effect on burning fat. Today we show you the top 8 of those great foods. Use them regularly in your daily diet. They stimulate the burning of belly fat.
So do not hesitate to try them out. 

1. Almonds  

  • Almonds and nuts contain healthy fats.  They lower the cholesterol and reduce appetite.
  • The high content of magnesium in almonds helps in the formation of muscleThat means that your physical performance will improve.
  • In addition, the fibers provide better digestion. After eating almonds, you have a full feeling for a long time.
  • The fibers also inhibit inflammation.  

2. Watermelon, a good burner of abdominal fat

Watermelon is a great way to burn belly fat.
91% percent of watermelon consists of water. In addition, watermelon contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Those elements purify the body.
Eat watermelon. You will immediately notice that your appetite reduces. Watermelon also contains little calories  So choose watermelon if you want to lose weight. 

3. Beans 

  • Beans give you a full feeling after eating and they break down belly fat. In addition, they stimulate the formation of muscle mass.
  • In beans we also find a high level of soluble fiber. These fibers prevent the formation of fat. At the same time.
  • Thanks to the proteins present, beans give your body energy.  In order to improve your physical performance, you may want to eat beans regularly. 


4. Cucumber

In 100 grams of cucumber are only 45 calories. More than 90 percent of cucumber consists of water. Cucumber is, therefore, a refreshing vegetable and an effective fat burner. An ideal food so to add to your diet.
Cucumber contains vitamins and minerals. The fibers in cucumber remove toxins from the body. At the same time they eliminate moisture from the body tissues. Cucumber also activates a healthy digestion. In addition, it keeps the skin radiant, thanks to the vitamin B complex and the vitamin C. 


5. Oatmeal 

Organic oatmeal is a healthy source of fiber . Use it in your daily diet.

Oatmeal reduces appetite. It also ensures stable blood sugar levels. Oatmeal consumes more energy throughout the day.

Oatmeal is used mainly for  breakfast , but you can actually eat at any time of the day to starve. 


6. Milled linseed, a natural burner of belly fat

Linseed is a biological source of omega 3 fatty acids . Omega 3 is an important nutrient. Use omega 3 to fight inflammation and excess fat.
  • The fiber in linseed avoids excessive amounts of calories.
  • At the same time they lower the cholesterol.
  • In addition, linseed contains lignaan. That's a natural fat burner. Lignaan thus helps   to lose body weight.

1 comment:

  1. Now a days obesity is biggest problem majority of people are suffering from it and it is not difficult to how to melt belly fat without exercise the only need is to maintain your diet plan and avoid eating junk food which provides you excessive amount of calorie and do some yoga which is very beneficial for the body.
