Tuesday 25 July 2017

Easily lose weight just before bedtime

Easily lose weight just before bedtime 

No, skiping the supper is never a good idea, because it will slow down the metabolism. Make sure to take a healthy habit of your supper early so that the food is already consumed when you go to bed. 

Are there any tips that we can apply just before bedtime to make weight loss easier? Yes, it is possible! The metabolism of the body continues to work, so you only need to apply a few simple actions to keep it active. 

The article below describes some easy to remember and apply tips that you can perform before bedtime to lose a few pounds of weight.

1. The supper is important 

Often people make the mistake by the sacrament to delete from the menu if they want to lose weight. Do not! By skipping the last meal of the day, you deny the body for about 10 hours the supply of nutritious ingredients. This has two major consequences. First, it means your eating regime is not healthy and balanced. Also, your body gets the signal to hamster nutrients, which slows down the metabolism.

How can you prevent this? Do not skip dinner meals and take into account the following recommendations:

  • Use the supper preferably 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Choose for a light dinner.
  • One often chooses a salad because the last meal of the day must be light and balanced. However, this does not mean that lettuce is the only option. Make sure that dinner is made up of carbohydrates, proteins and enough nutrient fibers and vitamins.
  • A salad is not always one of the best choices because it requires a lot of time for the body to digest. Hearty vegetable soups are a good alternative to the healthy salad in the evening. Surprise yourself and choose a pumpkin-cinnamon soup or pumpkin soup with oats and garlic. These tastes are delicious and can be served with a piece of salmon or other fatty fish.

2. A short evening walk

No, we're not talking about a spicy round and you're exhausted. For example, go hiking with a friend or your dog in a relaxed and relaxed way. It is a pleasant activity to end the day and at the same time ensures that metabolism continues. Do not care yourself, but take a good look and breathe deep in and out. 

A walk at the end of a busy day also allows you to leave behind all the hassles and tensions of the day and harmoniously enter the evening. You have probably already experienced that stress is one of the main causes of weight gain and unhealthy tingling. Your daily evening walk will be an ideal way to leave conflicts of everyday life and to look at them from another, calmer perspective.
You will come home safely as a new and reborn person. Do not wait any longer, try it out and you will definitely find a result!

3. The many benefits of a relaxing bath

After the evening walk, a relaxing hot shower is a great idea. If possible, go for a long and relaxing bath once a week. This actually consumes a lot more water, but the benefits that are associated with it make it worthwhile:
  • A nice hot bath carries out toxins from your body.
  • You can feed the skin with different minerals and vitamins.
  • You will then feel fully reborn and full of energy.
This type of relaxing and detoxifying bath also causes inflammatory symptoms in the body to not get the chance to get up. You end the day in a pleasant, relaxed way and you also help your body in the process of easing. Fill the bath with plenty of warm water, sprinkle about 100 grams of purification salt or baking soda in the bath, pour a few drops of essential lavender oil, 100 grams of salt and a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger. Let yourself sink slowly in this delicious mix for half an hour ... and enjoy it to its fullest.

4. Some infusions for weight loss at the end of the day

After enjoying the delicious shower or the relaxing bath, the moment has come for a nice cup of herbal tea . There are countless natural infusions that are suitable for drinking just before bedtime. They not only help burn fat but also provide the much-needed vitamins and provide more relaxation after a busy day. These are some of the most delightful combinations:
Blueberry infusion lowers blood sugar levels and ensures a good night's rest.
Oolong tea:  is a traditional Chinese tea, known to promote weight loss. In addition, this tea has a delicious aroma, which makes this an ideal end to the end of the day.
Tea anise: also provides extra fat burning and has many other health benefits due to its antioxidant properties. This tea is also recommended for the promotion of a good night's sleep.
Rose infusion: this should be guaranteed to be the most popular types of tea. The Journal of Food Science calls rozenthee richer antioxidants than the famous green tea, and it does not contain caffeine, which makes it a great blend of the day. This tea also ensures a good digestive system and helps prevent constipation.

5. Get ready for a good night's rest

A good night's sleep will also help you lose a few kilos. Are you surprised about this? During the night, our lymphatic system is active and ensures that all harmful substances are removed from the body. If you sleep too little or not at all, then this drain is interrupted and the body picks up toxins, causing quicker inflammation in the body and fat does not get a chance to break down.

Promote the quality of your sleep by keeping the temperature in the bedroom low. Avoid temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. A warm bedroom causes a restful sleep. Also, the use of PC, smartphone, and television does not allow you to go to the place where you are going to sleep. Relax the brain by switching off all electronics two hours before bedtime and choose a good book instead.

That's how even a few simple daily actions can ensure good health and achieve that for your ideal grade on your scale!

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