Monday 24 July 2017

Discover 7 amazing ways to naturally improve your mood

Discover 7 amazing ways to naturally improve your mood 

Do you feel exhausted? Irritated? Are you in a dip? Then try these seven amazing and natural ways to improve your mood. 

Emotional and mental exhaustion and the progressive deterioration of our mood often lead to the well-known physical overload that limits our quality of life.  

It is not easy to improve your mood if you are under stress. Even when we are unable to set priorities or when our social and personal situation is overwhelming, it is difficult to change and improve our mood.

This command is absolutely not easy. We can not complete him in one week, but a little daily adjustment can help change perspectives and improve brain chemistry In this way, levels of positive dopamine and endorphin will gradually increase.
Today, we propose your seven great tips to improve your mood. You will quickly find changes. The tips will be a tool to make you feel both inside and out. These are small steps, but with great results as a consequence.

1. Take a five-minute break every 1.5 hours

This tip may sound strange, but if you give yourself a half-hour break for five minutes, allow you to do some things.
  • The first thing that can happen is that it helps you relax the mind.
  • A few minutes of rest also helps you to be present and present, focusing on your own needs.
  • During this break you take away the mental noise and the pressure that comes from your environment.
How are you doing this?
  • Put your hands on your stomach and breath for five seconds. Hold the breath for seven seconds and then breathe for 8 seconds.
  • Close the eyes during this breathing exercise. Repeat the exercise three times.
  • Relax and become aware of how you feel. At the same time think of something positive: a nice memory or something that motivates you.

2. Do not drink coffee one and a half hours after getting up

It is very possible that many readers do not agree with this advice, because how can we clear our minds without starting the day with a nice cup of coffee?
Well, to understand how you can improve your mood and give yourself energy, first understand how metabolism and chemistry work in the brain. s we drink coffee on an empty stomach, it can affect the adrenal glands. That means that we actually lose energy.

When we wake up, our brains naturally give us the appropriate level of dopamine, but after an hour or two, this level drops. At that moment we need a proper dose of caffeine.
It is therefore important to remember this. Get up and drink a delicious and natural fruit juice full of antioxidants. Half an hour later, you can drink some coffee.

3. Eat chocolate after the meal and save your energy and your good mood

Chocolate is similar to coffee.
Eat chocolate in the middle of the afternoon or afternoon, or one hour before the meal . This is the best way to give yourself the right energy and to improve your mood.
  • Choose for dark chocolate . That's the most pure and it's sugar free.
  • Eat one block of chocolate a day. That gives you a good dose of endorphin.

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4. Moments of silence 

The goal is to spend at least one hour in a quiet, calm and relaxing contact with nature during the day. If this is not possible for you, go for one hour.

It's all about turning your time, or rather a moment of peace  and balance, to the relaxation of your mind. You build a distance between the noise of external pressure and your inner health.
Do not hesitate to give yourself these moments of rest. They are very therapeutic and improve your mood in an unimaginable way.

5. Acupressure 

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese technique . The purpose is to relieve pain and to stimulate the function of the organs through the various pressure points on the body.

It's no harm to try it out. All you have to do is massage massaging areas of the body and see how you respond. The idea is that these pressure points make you relax. In addition, they relieve the feeling of being burned, soften them and make them feel better.
We'll explain how you do it:
  • Massage your neck (the point where the lower part of the skull and spine meet) with your thumbs.
  • Another well-known place to massage can be seen in the picture above. As you can see, it's the place between the index finger and the thumb precisely in that opening.
To feel relief, apply moderate pressure to those places for a few minutes.

6. Try something new and bring some variation in your life

Sometimes it is enough to make a small change in your life to achieve a great result. We have already mentioned in the article.
Our mood depends on many factors. Mood changes are sometimes caused by stress , due to some ailments such as hypothyroidism or even by boredom, because we follow the same routine repeatedly.
Make a change: Start a course or take a dance lesson, make new friends, take a trip, learn a painting, start a diary, go to the hairdresser, become a volunteer, adopt an animal, learn to play an instrument ...... The list is endless!
Each stimulus motivates the brain. And this in turn can improve the mood.

7. Say yes to single unsaturated fats 

Examples of single unsaturated fats are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. They help to stabilize blood sugar and burn fat. In addition, they ensure the brain and the health of the heart.

Avocados, olive oil, walnuts, eggs and salmon are great for improving your mood.
Also, remember that healthy food and nutrition that naturally promotes serotonin levels are the best ways to improve your mood day after day.


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